Cash Management

We continually strive to improve the experience you have when using online banking. Below are some of the many benefits your company can have by signing up today.


ACH Origination

ACH Processing – offers a valuable, low cost benefit to a company and its employees by delivering a more efficient, cost effective, time saving way of delivering employee pay.

  • Management of transactions between accounts at different banks
  • Can be used for payroll processing, expense reimbursement, or other payroll expenses, collection and vendor payments
  • Reduces the need for costly payroll checks and envelopes
  • Transactions can be manually created, or imported from a payroll software
  • Templates are created and saved for each batch
  • Reports can be created, downloaded or printed containing batch information
  • Employers have an extended window of 6 pm to transmit a batch for next day posting
  • Eliminates stop payment fees and reissued checks due to lost/stolen checks
  • Pre-authorized direct debits can be used to speed up the collection by increasing cash flow
  • Can be set up as dual control
  • The ability to set up recurring “set it and forget it” batches

Wire Transfers

Online Wire transfers allows our business customers a more efficient way to quickly transfer funds to another institution.

  • Provides a secure method of issuing the request by utilizing business online
  • Simplifies the process by allowing the customer to create a template that can be used for each transfer
  • Can be set up as dual control
  • Securely initiate outgoing wires with multi-layer security features via token authentication and call-back protocol
  • Customers can create reports and view previous transfers

Remote Deposit Capture

Remote Item Processing-this service offers our businesses the ability to capture deposits in their offices, processing centers or branch locations. 

  • Increases the employees time management by eliminating the need for them to write up the deposit ticket and leave the office to drive it to the Bank
  • Increases security as the employees are no longer transporting checks to the Bank.
  • Enhances cash flow for the business as the deposits are credited the same day the checks are deposited up to our current cut off time.
  • Reduces the risk of a Return Item. The faster the item clears, the faster the customer will be aware of an issue
  • Saves the business money by increasing the employees time management
  • Reduces the need for expensive deposit tickets
  • Gives the customer the ability to create reports
  • Increased research abilities by allowing the customer to search for an item for receipt verification
  • Eliminates errors in deposits by forcing the deposit to be balanced prior to transmitting it to the bank

Business Sweeps

  • This function can be used by our customers to better manage their cash positions within their accounts.
  • A target balance can be determined and set as the maximum/minimum balance of the account. The target balance is set by determining what balance is needed to offset an analysis charge.
  • Creates income for the business by leaving the excess balance in the sweep account to earn interest until it is needed.
  • Zero Balance Accounts (ZBAs) can be set up to better allow the business to utilize the funds needed for payroll in their operating or interest-bearing account until needed.

Direct Connect

Also see Direct Connect to automate and simplify your business banking needs by using Direct Connect for QuickBooks®

For questions regarding our cash management services, please contact: Joe Litterio at [email protected]